Dieting: What’s the Harm?

Dieting is rife within our culture. 64% of the UK population are ‘on a diet’ most of the time,1 despite the fact that 95% of diets fail, with the weight…

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What is Intuitive Eating all about?

Have you heard the term ‘intuitive eating’ crop up recently? It’s a phrase which is gaining ground in the wellness world, but what does it actually mean? How do we…

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New Year…New You?!

Happy New Year! Have you set yourself any resolutions? I used to be terrible for setting myself unrealistic resolutions. You name it, I’ve probably said it over the years…. ‘I…

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Grief and Food

Grief comes in many different forms and affects people in very different ways. Often it can cause stages of different emotions, ranging from disbelief, to anger, to devastated, overwhelmed and…

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